Security Aspects

This chapter documents all relevant aspects related to solution security. Here, we distinguish between network security, system / solution security, application security and data protection. Please clarify also who is responsible for threat analysis, protection requirements, etc. and security audits.

Network security

This section describes all tactics and actions you take to secure the networking context of your solution.

  • What mechanisms are used to guarantee network security? (Firewall, VLANs, DMZ, rule sets , DDOS)
  • Does a central identity management exist? If yes, which base and standards are supported (OpenID / OAuth / Step2 / Keberos / etc.)

Solution and system security

Here you describe your security analyses and the analysis-based mechanisms to secure this software solution. Please address the following questions:

  • What are the most important and probable attacker scenarios? What is being done to protect the system against them?
  • Provide a brief description of the role and authorization concept on the system level
  • What actions (for example hardening) have been taken to protect the system against tampering? (best practice system setup)

Application and development security

Here you'll explain how you treat security in the software realization process. Also describe which actions you take in order to harden your solution against common attack patterns (Cross-Site-Scripting, SQL-Injections, XSRF...)

Please provide answers to the following questions (where applicable)

      • Are the secure development guidelines being applied? Link
      • Is there any analysis of potential attack scenarios of the software?
      • Is there any static-code analysis (Fortify, Findbugs) to assess common issues?
      • Are there any pentests or reviews to figure out how the software can be vulnerated?
      • Are there special precautions to protect the application against a) cross-site scripting, b)cross-site request forgery and c) sql-injection attacks?
      • Do you encrypt data at rest and in transit? If yes, how?
      • How do you manage credentials and authorization(oauth, saml2, oidc)?

Data protection

Here you will describe different aspects to data protection and privacy. Please refer to the following checklist questions:

      • How do you implement data protection class grouping? Link auf Matrix
      • Identify the data which has to be processed, stored and transmitted. Give a data summary.
      • Are you clear on all data processing activities and their BDSG implications ? (inside or outside application boundaries)
      • Are special certifications required? (ISO/IEC 27001, PCI DSS, FISMA , HIPAA…)
      • Is the customer's consent to BDSG § 4a necessary for processing / storing the data ?

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